



    发布时间: 2021-03-21 16:24    



尼日利亚标准组织SON)是根据197112月第56号授权法建立的尼日利亚尼日利亚联邦共和国法律第412章,其起始日期为197011日。该法案有三项修正案:1976年第20号法案,1984年第32号法案和1990年第18号法案以及2004年第9号法案。2004年第9 法案已被废除,并由第14号法案代替。 2015SON的管理机构是被称为尼日利亚标准委员会这是监督组织管理和财务管理的政策制定机构。本组织的总干事是行政长官,其职责围绕理事会批准的广泛准则进行本组织的日常管理。


  1. 部长的权力-SON发出指令的权力;宣布已确立的标准具有约束力的权力,有权指示供应商根据组织的建议召回有缺陷的商品等。

  2. 尼日利亚标准理事会的权力--有权指定,建立和批准有关尼日利亚整个工商业产品的计量,材料,商品,结构和过程的标准。授权认可质量认证机构,检验机构,测试实验室,校准实验室以及与这些活动范围相关的合法人员的权力。建立进出口产品监督并执行本法或任何其他成文法赋予它的任何其他职能的权力;制定规则的权力。

  3. 权力-组织测试,调查设施,材料和产品的质量,确保用于校准和验证措施与测量仪器的参考标准,注册和管理标准标记和规范的权力管理和执行该法的规定等等

  4. 总干事的权力执行标准,产品质量控制,测量科学以及与计量有关的所有事项的权力;调查产品质量等;扣押,密封,销毁或禁止销售不合格产品;进入任何场所的权利,包括进行工业或商业活动以履行其职能的所有尼日利亚海港,机场和边境,而本组织的每一名官员均应具有与联合办公场所等效的权力。。。


  1. 评估质量保证活动,包括整个尼日利亚的系统,产品和实验室的认证

  2. 计量,材料,商品,结构和过程的标准的指定,建立,批准和声明。

  3. 整个尼日利亚的工商业产品认证。

  4. 认证和合格评定方案。

  5. 产品,重量和度量的质量控制。

  6. 与计量有关的事项-确保测量和测量仪器的校准和验证的参考标准。

  7. 产品质量调查等

  8. 标准的执行。

  9. 质量管理。

  10. 标准标志和规格等的注册和规定

  11. 尼日利亚需要标准化的产品清单的汇编

  12. 建立进出口产品监控。

  13. 为尼日利亚本地制造的产品制定强制性合格评定计划;

  14. 标准,标志和认证的注册和规定;和

  15. 建立和维护实验室。

  16. 科学数据或订单数据的编辑和发布。

  17. 赞助国内和国际会议。

  18. 就与标准规范有关的特定问题向联邦政府或州政府提供专业建议。

  19. 研究。

  20. 建立标准图书馆。




  • 消费者保护与参与

  • 提升本地产品竞争力

  • 积极合格评定

  • 媒体参与

  • 全球相关性

  • 能力建设




  1. 进口商品的强制性SONCAP计划(离岸合格评定计划)。

  2. 针对本地制造产品的强制性MANCAP计划(强制性合格评定计划)。

  3. 强制性产品注册程序等





  • 在出口到尼日利亚之前,确保受管制产品符合NIS或批准的标准

  • 为受管制和本地制造的产品在质量方面提供公平的竞争环境,以防止不公平竞争

  • 防止将不合标准的商品倾销到尼日利亚市场,从而防止对进口商和整个国家造成经济损失

  • 考虑到已向出口国/出口商支付了运往尼日利亚的货物的付款,阻止了包括外汇在内的生命财产损失

  • 防止监管机构在此类产品到达尼日利亚时产生任何不良反应(例如由于不合格产品的破坏而造成的环境污染)

  • 通过港口快速通关便利贸易

  • 鼓励真正的投资者和尼日利亚的投资

  • 宣传尼日利亚制造的产品

  • 节省外汇








About SON

The Standards Organisation of Nigeria (SON) was established by an Enabling Act Number 56 of December 1971 - the Standards Organisation of Nigeria cap 412 of the laws of Federal Republic of Nigeria, with a commencement date of 1 January 1970, when the Organisation started to function. The Act has three amendments: Act No. 20 of 1976, Act No. 32 of 1984 and Act No. 18 of 1990 and Act No. 9 of 2004.

Act No. 9 of 2004 has been repealed and replaced with Act No. 14 of 2015.

SON's governing body is known as the Standards Council of Nigeria.This is the Policy making body for supervising the administration and financial management of the Organisation. The Director General of the Organisation is the Chief Executive whose responsibilities revolve around the day-to-day administration of the Organisation within the broad guidelines approved by the Council.


  1. POWERS OF THE MINISTER – Power to give directives to SON; power to declare established standard as binding, power to direct a supplier to recall a defective commodity on the recommendation of the Organisation, etc.

  2. POWERS OF STANDARDS COUNCIL OF NIGERIA - Power to designate, establish and approve standards in respect of metrology, materials, commodities, structures and processes for the certification of products in commerce and industry throughout Nigeria. Power to authorise the recognition of quality certification bodies, inspection bodies, testing laboratories, calibration laboratories and qualified personnel related to these activity areas operating legally. Power for establishment of an import and export product surveillance and to carry out any other functions imposed on it under this Act or any other written law; power to make rules.

  3. POWERS OF SON- Power to organize tests, investigate into the quality of facilities, materials and products, ensure reference standards for calibration and verification of measures and measuring instruments, register and regulate standard marks and specifications. Administer and enforce provisions of the Act. etc.

  4. POWERS OF DIRECTOR GENERAL – Power to enforce standards, quality control of products, science of measurement and all matters relating to metrology; investigate quality of products etc; seize, seal, destroy or prohibit the sale of substandard products; right of access to any premises, including all Nigerian Seaports, Airports and Borders where industrial or commercial undertaking is being carried out to perform her functions, while every officer of the Organisation shall have the power, rights, privileges and protection equivalent to that of a Police Officer


  1. Evaluation of quality assurance activities, including certification of systems, products and laboratories throughout Nigeria

  2. Designation, establishment, approval and declaration of standards in respect of metrology, materials, commodities, structures and processes.

  3. Certification of products in commerce and industry throughout Nigeria.

  4. Certification and conformity assessment scheme.

  5. Quality control of products, weights and measures.

  6. Matters relating to metrology- ensure reference standards for calibration and verification of measures and measuring instruments.

  7. Investigation of quality of products etc.

  8. Enforcement of Standards.

  9. Quality management.

  10. Registration and regulation of standard marks and specifications etc.

  11. Compilation of an inventory of products in Nigeria requiring standardization

  12. Establishment of an import and export product surveillance.

  13. Establishment of a mandatory conformity assessment programme for locally manufactured products in Nigeria;

  14. Registration and regulation of standards, marks and certification; and

  15. Establishment and maintenance of Laboratories.

  16. Compilation and publication of Scientific or order data.

  17. Sponsoring national and international conferences.

  18. Proffering professional advice to government of the federation or state on specific problems relating to Standards specifications.

  19. Research.

  20. Establishment of Standard Library.


Standard Organisation of Nigeria is committed to delivering superior quality service and meeting the desires of our client and highest standard for the economy. Our strategy is built on understanding were we are now and were we need to be and also delivering the most relevant brands to meet differing preferences whilst retaining brand loyalty. We achieve these aims by continually taking the lead in product-Service innovation and quality initiatives.


  • Consumer Protection and Engagement

  • Improving the Competitiveness of Local Products

  • Aggressive Conformity Assessment

  • Media Engagement

  • Global relevance

  • Capacity Building


There are several regulations made by the standards council and approved by the minister or executive council under the powers given to the council and minister under sections 3, 4, 23. Some of the regulatory requirements include:

  1. The mandatory SONCAP PROGRAMME (Offshore Conformity Assessment Programme) for imported goods.

  2. The mandatory MANCAP Programme (Mandatory Conformity Assessment Programme) for locally manufactured products.

  3. The Mandatory Products Registration Programme etc.


SONCAP is a pre-shipment verification of conformity to Standards process used to verify that products to be imported into Nigeria are in conformity with the applicable NIS or approved equivalents, and technical regulations before shipment. Under the SONCAP regime, imports are required to undergo verification and testing at country of supply (Exporting) and a SONCAP Certificate (SC) issued demonstrating that the products meet the applicable standards and regulations or a Non-Conformity Report (NCR) where the goods do not comply. The conformity assessment elements undertaken in SONCAP include but not limited to physical inspection prior to shipment, sampling, testing and analysis in accredited laboratories, audit of product processes and systems, and documentary check of conformity with regulations and overall assessment of conformity to standards.


The objectives of the programme include but are not limited to the following:

  • Ensure that regulated products comply with the NIS or approvedstandards prior to export to Nigeria

  • Provide a level playing field in terms of quality for both regulated and locally manufactured products in order to prevent unfair competition

  • Prevent the dumping of substandard goods into the Nigeria market and as a result preventing economic loss to the importer and the nation at large

  • Impede loss of lives and property including foreign exchange bearing in mind that the exporting country/Exporter have been paid for the goods shipped into Nigeria

  • Forestall any adverse reaction (such as environmental pollution occasioned by destruction of substandard products) by regulatory Agencies on arrival of such goods in Nigeria

  • Facilitate trade through fast track clearance of goods at the ports

  • Encourage genuine investors and investments in Nigeria

  • Promote made in Nigeria products

  • Conserve foreign exchange


The Product Certification Directorate is responsible for ensuring that locally manufactured products in Nigeria give the required degree of satisfaction to consumers through compliance with Government policies on standardisation and conformity assessment. The purpose is to promote global competitiveness among domestic manufacturers and encourage continual improvement on the quality of products in line with the statutory obligation of the Standards Organisation of Nigeria.

Products Certification for Export involves activities relating to issuance of Certificates of conformance to applicable standards or contractual documents for products to facilitate export trade. It applies to specific consignments meant for export by the applicant.


SON is actively involved in import inspection of goods and quality assessment at the ports and through her activities on the SINGLE-WINDOW platform. The importance of this exercise is enormous, considering the economic and health/safety implications of influx of substandard goods into the country. SON has established her presence in virtually all the seaports, land borders, airports and Nigeria States’ Capital.

For more information on the activities of the Standards Organisation of Nigeria, kindly log on to http://www.son.gov.ng
