From 1 January 2022, the CE marking will not be recognised in Great Britain for areas covered by this guidance and the UKCA marking. However, a product bearing the CE marking would still be valid for sale in the UK so long as it was also UKCA marked and complied with the relevant UK rules. Separate rules apply to medical devices.
玩具安全 Toy safety
休闲船和私人船只Recreational craft and personal watercraft
简单压力容器 Simple pressure vessels
电磁兼容 Electromagnetic compatibility
非自动衡器 Non-automatic weighing instruments
测量仪器 Measuring instruments
升降机 Lifts
无线电设备 Radio equipment
压力设备 Pressure equipment
个人保护设备 Personal protective equipment
燃气用具 Gas appliances
机械 Machinery
户外使用设备 Equipment for use outdoors
生态设计 Ecodesign
气溶胶 Aerosols
低压电器 Low voltage electrical equipment
有害物质限制 Restriction of hazardous substances
Products covered by the UKCA marking but have some special rules: